Online Registration Process​​​​​​​

This page is for club & school administrators. If you are wanting to register to play with a club or school please click here.

The official Softball Registration form for the 2022/2023 season is now available online for your club or school.

There are three steps to the registration process: 

1.            Register players through the player online registration form:

2.            Enter Teams in TeamBuilder.

3.            Assign Players to Teams in TeamBuilder. 

For a comprehensive user guide of the registration process click the Admin User Guide on the right-hand side.​​​​​​​


Clubs & schools can also use this registration form as your own registration form for players/officials to register with you directly if you wish. You have the ability to add additional fields to the form that are specific to you (eg uniform information). Any data in your custom fields is not passed to us, but is securely available for you to use as an online database. This lets everyone's needs be met through the completion of one single web form so that you don't need to run a separate parallel registration/consent process.

Once up and running, Superforms lets you:

  • Roll forward people from last season to the next
  • Send a group email to everyone registered through this solution last season that lets them re-register for the new season with just one click
  • Watch your online database grow as people register through your form
  • Easily see who hasn't re-registered from last season so you can chase them if you wish
  • Customise the input fields on your registration form to suit your needs
  • Accept online payments (Click here for info on how to set this up)
